Having lived with claustrophobia for as long as I can remember I thought it would just always be this way! Even after having several courses of CBT for anxiety the claustrophobia did not improve at all. My friend was suffering with a different phobia and wanted to seek help with this so I thought I’d join her journey and try it for myself.
I was so nervous on the first session and didn’t know what to expect, Colette completely puts you at ease and makes you feel calm and comfortable. I was truly amazed by the powers of Hypnosis, I can not fully explain how peaceful, relaxing and blissful it feels! After 2 sessions I was able to get in a tiny lift! Anyone knows me will know this is unbelievable! After 3 sessions I was purposely testing my claustrophobia and having really amazing outcomes – the fear had basically disappeared! Colette teaches you ways to calm yourself and techniques to use to help if you ever feel anxious again.
My biggest regret is that I did not do this sooner! I plan to go back in the future for other aspects of myself I want to work on! Thanks so much Colette 😊